Thanks for coming by and hanging out here @cooljoy.
Cool & Joy two words that have great meaning in my life. "Cool" is a word that became cool when I was a teenager and I have always tried to be just a little bit cool. Nothing over the top, just not staid and proper and not too far out or wacky. "Joy", my mother almost named me Pamela Joy and I am happy that she didn't and yet the Joy part stuck. Joyful is a wonderful state of being and to bring a bit of joy into other's lives is a personal goal...
In late 2016, my spouse and I decided to start following a whole foods plant-based starchivore lifestyle (vegan style eating without all the added oil, salt and sugar). We are both over 55 and much of the information available online and in social media is from a much younger, amazing, group of people. Hours of YouTube videos are available that are incredibly helpful, a multitude of websites and research by highly talented doctors and nutritionists are available and so many recipe blogs and vlogs... it is endless and I am so thankful to all of you who have helped to make our transition easier.
It will take a long time to pay it forward and the hope is to accomplish that here @cooljoy. Tips and tricks and favourite recipes and even some life stories thrown in to keep it interesting.
Health Care is dominant in the news these days and there is a sense of desperation in many of the stories. Can we write a new story? one where we are in charge? Self Care. If we eat differently, eat until we are satisfied, eat delicious meals and influence our health for the better, would that put the control back where it belongs? with ourselves? FOOD instead of DRUGS. is the main sponsor of this website. We met online back in 2000 and therefore are big fans of the process, especially now that you can be even more specific in your profile. Be sure to take a moment and visit the site and see what new friends might be out there for you.

Starchivore Whole Food Plant-Based Lifestyle
- a plant-based diet that reduces or eliminates all animal foods like meat, dairy, and eggs PLUS has the addition of starch, so that you feel full and satisfied
- include grains like rye, wheat, barley, oats and corn; starchy vegetables like squash, potatoes, and sweet potatoes and legumes like red and brown lentils, chick peas, green peas, and lotsa beans like pinto, kidney AND lots of fresh fruits and vegetables
- reduces or eliminates added oils, including coconut, olive and peanut and reduces added sugars and salts
- it is believed Dr T Colin Campbell coined the term "whole food, plant-based" and Dr John McDougall the term "starchivore"

Looking for a soulmate that lives a plant-based whole foods lifestyle? or a vegan or a vegetarian? Visit our sponsor